Is BusinessObjects Still Relevant in 2025?

BI 2025 celebration near Eiffel Tower

In a world full of alternatives, is the SAP BusinessObjects platform still relevant to the enterprise? The answer is definitely “yes”, if for no other reason that SAP has invested in at least two more releases for the platform. Let’s quickly review what SAP BusinessObjects has going for it. In June 2022, the winds of change blew into the sails of the SAP BusinessObjects platform and BI 2025 was announced. In fact, it’s supposed to be delivered to us in a few short weeks. And last year, SAP committed to BI 2027, and BI 2029 is to be confirmed in H1.

Read the rest of my article on the SAP Community site.

Dallas Marks

Dallas Marks

I am an analytics and cloud architect, author, and trainer. An AWS certified blogger, SAP Mentor Alumni and co-author of the SAP Press book SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: The Comprehensive Guide, I prefer piano keyboards over computer keyboards when not blogging or tweeting.