Where Can I Find the Sizing Guide for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 2025?

SAP BusinessObjects BI 2025 Sizing Guide

When it’s made public, you’ll find links to it here. In the meantime…

Today I went looking for the SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3 Sizing Guide, to see if it had been revised since its previous revision, June 9, 2023. Unfortunately, it has not been updated, which is mildly frustrating. However, SAP KB 3078824 promises that a new version is coming soon, no doubt for the forthcoming BI 2025.

A new version of the sizing guide is coming soon.

Because of the introduction of Data Mode in SAP BI 4.3 SP3 and its mild enhancements in SAP BI 4.3 SP4. If you haven’t heard about Data Mode, it brings data prep capabilities to Web Intelligence without having to switch to another tool. What SAP has currently delivered is useful but a bit of an amuse-bouche. It’s certainly one of the first things I’ll be investigating once I can download and install BI 2025 on March 12, 2025.

One of my concerns about data mode is “where does all the data actually go?”. When merging or cleansing large data sets, do I need to increase the memory allocated to the Tomcat web application server? Are there new settings on the Web Intelligence Processing Server? Should I replace the dilithium crystals in the server? So far, I haven’t seen any guidance from SAP (somebody please correct me in the comments if I’ve overlooked any SAP KB or blogs) so I’m really looking forward to an updated sizing guide.

Some of the guidance issued over the years has been specific to XI R2 or XI 3.x. SAP BI 4.0 was a “nearly 64-bit platform” until SAP BI 4.1 SP7 finally delivered a “fully 64-bit platform”. So, depending on how you’ve upgraded and migrated your SAP BusinessObjects environment over the years, it’s certainly not broken but neither is it giving you maximum power.

Many of you will install SAP BusinessObjects BI 2025 on fresh hardware and the latest Microsoft Windows or Linux operating system. A “new” install as opposed to an update will ensure that SAP’s latest guidance for settings is the default. But bring an open mind when planning the architecture of your cluster and the settings for the services deployed. It may be worth bringing in an SAP Partner for a limited engagement specifically to assist with system design, installation, and configuration.

Are you looking for the Sizing Guide for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 2025? What questions do you ahve for the SAP engineering team regarding sizing and configuration? Post a comment below.

Dallas Marks

Dallas Marks

I am an analytics and cloud architect, author, and trainer. An AWS certified blogger, SAP Mentor Alumni and co-author of the SAP Press book SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: The Comprehensive Guide, I prefer piano keyboards over computer keyboards when not blogging or tweeting.

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